About Detec Australia
Waterproofing in Australia has not been considered important enough to be a fully qualified trade as required in other countries around the world. Waterproofing today in the Australian building industry has still very little policing or auditing.
There are varying styles of construction around Australia and what is prevalent or relevant in Western Australia is not necessarily how construction works in NSW, VIC or QLD, for example. Waterproofing Contractors, builders & architects need to understand the intricate details of each other’s expertise and choose the manufacturers system that is right for any particular application. When that system is installed, it must be 100% watertight. Testing for this is difficult with many applications because the only choice has been to flood test, and that has its drawbacks.
Detec Australia can scan or monitor the different types of systems installed in Australia offering those same waterproofing contractors, builders & architects peace of mind.
Detec’s patented technologies assist in the quality control of waterproof membrane installations and in revealing water or moisture intrusion. Our monitoring systems will alert owners of a water intrusion and provide data regarding its severity and location.
There is no longer any need to flood an area to test for the integrity of the waterproofing. Detec Australia, electronic leak detection, is finally here.

Detec Australia
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Download our easy 3-page brochure to understand how the Detec IntegriScan system works, how it compares to other testing methods & how it can protect your property.
Detec Australia History
Detec, serving the building industry since 2003, develops and provides leading-edge technology in the field of Electronic Leak Detection (ELD) internationally. This technology includes automated building envelope monitoring, waterproof membrane integrity testing, as well as continuously monitored leak detection systems for commercial waterproof membrane assemblies.
Detec’s patented technologies assist in the quality control of waterproof membrane installations and in revealing water or moisture intrusion. Our monitoring systems will alert owners of the water intrusion and provide data regarding its severity and location.
Detec Systems provides unparalleled risk mitigation for property owners and their development teams. Detec Systems has formed an alliance with Detec Australia and is committed to its goal of improving the sustainability of buildings through advanced testing and monitoring of the roof and building envelope systems from construction through the service life of the building.
In 2017, they appointed Detec Australia as their agent in Australia and New Zealand. In 2023, Detec New Zealand opened in Wellington.

Our Location
We are located in Falcon, WA
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